
Since ancient times, long before modern science proved nature’s biology concepts and the bio-chemistry of the human body, our ancestors had had the knowledge and wisdom to use “food as medicine and medicine as food”, to heal and cure the human body and mind. Today, we know that from a physiological stand point every human body consists of integrated systems of organs that work in a delicate synergy, balance and support to sustain life and wellbeing. However, every individual is different, with different genetic background, personal health history and environment and lifestyle influences. Therefore, although we all need a well-balanced nutrition to cover the necessities of the human metabolism, everyone has specific dietary needs that address their personal health challenges and support their lifestyle choices.

Unfortunately, the mainstream medicine today focuses more on intervention instead of prevention; it is emphasizing the symptoms rather than focusing on the root cause of an illness! My goal is to help people, to educate and guide them to follow proven naturopathic strategies based on healthy wholefood choices that provide the energy, information and building blocks necessary to restore one’s natural physiological, and energy balance, in order to create a disease free body that exudes vitality and longevity. I want to challenge and motivate them to discover their inner strength to produce steady changes in their health and wellbeing, to empower them to follow the path to a healthy life that they can achieve, sustain and enjoy at their best. This could only be achieved by using the fundamental, scientifically proven principles of integrative medicine and nutrition, implemented in personalized diet plans and lifestyle changes that correspond with client’s individual health history and challenges.

Since I can remember, food has always played an important role in our family. We cherished each time the family got together for a meal. My parents taught me to appreciate the quality of the natural ingredients and the principle dietary values of different food groups, along with the skills and advantages of growing your own food. Still being a child I learned the importance of well-balanced, nutritionally rich meals for our growth and wellbeing.

In my late teenage years I discovered my interest and love for ballroom dancing, a hobby that soon grew to become my passion and stern engagement. Being a ballroom dance competitor for many years and three time national champion, I had the privilege to attend many lectures, to learn and follow the basics of the nutrition for professional athletes, which gave me the ability to upgrade my performance. Ever since that period of competitive ballroom dancing, I continued to read, research and expend my knowledge on food and nutrition, initially from books and later on by reading scientific research, attending webinars and following educational web pages on internet. Nutrition has become an interest and passion in my everyday life and today being a parent myself, I want to share and pass the love for food and healthy eating to my family, and particularly to my daughter from her earliest age, as well.

I have attended and received certificates for several online university courses on nutrition such as:

  • Certificate for completed a 5 week course “Food, Nutrition and Your health” from Open 2 Study, Open Universities Australia, 2014;
  • Certificate for completed a 7 module course  “Nutrition essentials” from Texas A&M Agri Life Extension, offered on Coursera, 2014;
  • Certificate for completed course “Nutrition for children” from Texas A&M Agri Life Extension, offered on Coursera 2014;
  • Certificate for completed 5 week course  “Nutrition and cooking for children” from University of Stanford USA, offered on Coursera 2014;
  • Certificate for passed completed course “Prevention of osteoporosis” from Texas A&M Agri Life Extension, offered on Coursera 2014;
  • Certificate for completed 5 week course “Autism Spectrum Disorder” authorized by University of California, UC Davis Institute and offered through Coursera, 2017.

Wanting to upgrade my knowledge even more and get those missing links of information, at the beginning of 2015 I decided to enroll in a two year university program to earn a Master’s degree in Nutrition (accredited studies on Nutrition, under the University of “St. Kliment Ohridski” from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia). An outstanding academic master’s program that combines courses on human anatomy and physiology, to bio-chemistry, human metabolism and chemistry of food ingredients and nutrients, through functional, new foods and food’s bioactive components, biotechnology, food processing and more. I’m happy to say that with my dedication and commitment I have completed all my university courses and exams with the highest grade.

In addition, during the period of attending the Master’s degree studies,  for  the past three years I have been continuously following many annual international conferences/summits on nutrition and health related subjects such as: The Diabetes Summit, Thyroid Connection Summit, Fibromyalgia Summit, Medicinal Supplements Summit, Keto Summit, Detox Summit, The Digestive Sessions, Heal Your Gut Summit, Autoimmune Revolution Summit, Healthy Heart Summit, Autism Summit, Autism Recovery Summit, Autism Hope Summit, Alzheimer Awakening Summit, The Truth About Cancer, Women’s Vitality Summit, Hormone Balance After 40, Immune Defense and other.

Since ancient times the olive tree has been used as a symbol of life, vitality and eternity. Trustfully, olive trees can live a very long life. The oldest olive tree known to man is in Crete, Greece, and it is approximately 3,000 years old, while some olive trees at Nazareth Village in Israel are about 400 years old. It also symbolizes strength and hope. The olive tree is a strong tree. It can survive weather heat, drought and floods. Yet, above all we know that the olive tree, its bark, leafs and fruits have been used to provide relief, cure diseases and treat conditions for centuries.

Just as a reflection to the Olive tree, people who nourish their body and mind can live a fulfilled life that exudes longevity and vitality, too.

Live your life to your fullest potential!

Choose to make the rest of your life, the best of your life!

 I encourage you to join my “Health and Wellness Club” - a community of people who want to take care of their health and the health of their loved ones. Once a week I will share my health and nutrition advice that will provide guidance and information on healthy lifestyle and dietary choices, natural remedies that work and recipes for delicious, healthy meals.

In good health,


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